Fountain Valley Divorce Lawyer
Family Law Representation In Fountain Valley
Divorce is a life-changing decision that will affect you for years into the future. In many cases, it is for the greater good of all involved to seek out a resolution outside of court. Having a knowledgeable Fountain Valley divorce attorney on your side can make a significant difference in the divorce settlement, and the costs involved in getting this urgent matter resolved. At the Law Office of Jamison K. Shedwill, we have served as counsel in all matters pertaining to family law and divorce, and have done so since 1993. We are dedicated to providing excellent and compassionate legal representation in divorce, and our goal is to resolve all issues outside of court.
The firm operates differently than many other firms. The attorney representing you takes the time to understand your specific needs, and we believe this is important when addressing any family law matter. We have gained a reputation for effectively resolving divorce outside of court, and helping those we serve to move forward without suffering the stress of ongoing litigation. We believe it is important to avoid undue stress for the children. It is always considered ideal for both parties to reach a resolution through mediation. Not only is it more cost-effective, the children are not exposed to the emotional upheaval of a bitter court battle. If litigation becomes a necessity, however, the legal team is prepared to fight for a fair resolution through careful case development and presentation.
Let us help you through this difficult time. Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!
Help For Those Considering Divorce In Fountain Valley
In many cases where mediation was not going well, an experienced attorney from our firm was able to bring the matter to a close by negotiating terms with the opposing attorney. This can be particularly helpful in marriages that involve children, when the parents do not agree on issues such as child support and child custody. It is always in the best interests of the child to get these issues resolved as quickly as possible, with the least amount of acrimony and stress. With mediation, your divorce can be settled outside of court, and the agreements are often far superior to what could be decided at trial. Contact us today so that we can evaluate your situation and advise you of your options.
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What Distinguishes Jamison Shedwill?
Your Well-Being Put First
You will have an advocate working to protect you and your children by putting out the fires in your family. Not starting them.
Trusted Counsel
You will receive information, options, and guidance throughout the whole process.
Work Directly With Jamison Shedwill
You will always work directly with Jamison Shedwill who is an experienced attorney and who knows and understands your family's situation.